Accueil Individual Insurance Life Events
Each stage of your life is unique and deserves customized insurance protection. Whether you’re thinking of buying a home, having a baby, planning for retirement, or starting a business, we have solutions specifically designed to meet your needs.
Make sure your mortgage payment is covered by mortgage insurance. It’s essential to take out insurance to cover your payments in the event of unforeseen circumstances that affect your financial health.
Welcome your new child with peace of mind thanks to our health insurance. Establish financial security for your family and make sure your children are covered in case of unforeseen events.
Plan your insurance for retirement. Find out which kinds of insurance are critical for your retirement, so that you’re covered and prepared when situations arise.
Protect your business with health, salary, debt and/or income insurance. When you’re a business owner and no longer covered by group insurance, it’s important to choose the coverage that’s right for you.